Why privatization should be done in India: A blog that explains why there’s a need to privatize the public sector & why should a company be privatized instead of being nationalized? The functional flexibility of the corporate concept and the autonomy granted by the corporate veil had enticed successive Governments to form corporate bodies to… Continue reading Why privatization should be done in India: A blog that explains why there’s a need to privatize the public sector & why should a company be privatized instead of being nationalized?
Author: admin
Why You Should Not Look at Corporatisation as a Single Pill? This blog will help you understand the various advantages of Corporatisation in India
Why You Should Not Look at Corporatisation as a Single Pill? This blog will help you understand the various advantages of Corporatisation in India An entrepreneur starts a business through the incorporation of a corporate entity for two primary reasons. (i) limited liability, (ii) unlimited scalability. These two intentions are essential indicators of growth, expansion,… Continue reading Why You Should Not Look at Corporatisation as a Single Pill? This blog will help you understand the various advantages of Corporatisation in India
A Corporate Regulatory Roadmap: A blog which discusses the various legislative and regulatory changes happening in India and the effect they would have on the Indian Economy.
Why SMEs find it difficult to grow fast like large industries In India, Small Medium Enterprises (SME) sector faces several issues in their course of business. At times, even government interventions can slow down the growth rate of SMEs. As per the current scenario, although the Government of India has come up with different schemes… Continue reading A Corporate Regulatory Roadmap: A blog which discusses the various legislative and regulatory changes happening in India and the effect they would have on the Indian Economy.
A blog that highlights the importance of global competition and shows the way forward to achieve prosperity
A blog that highlights the importance of global competition and shows the way forward to achieve prosperity Economic liberalization coupled with the irrelevance of socialistic ideologies having been established, technological advancements, and the ever-evolving business ecosystems across the world have been propelling parameters for the integration of global markets. Cross-border harmonization of regulatory practices (like… Continue reading A blog that highlights the importance of global competition and shows the way forward to achieve prosperity
Contribution of SME Sector to the GDP of India
Contribution of SME Sector to the GDP of India In India, the Micro, Small, and Medium (MSME) Sector play a vital role in the Indian Economy. Narayan Rane is the Minister of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) India. The small Medium Enterprises (SME) sector is the backbone of the Indian economy. The Indian MSME… Continue reading Contribution of SME Sector to the GDP of India